Monday, August 12, 2013

Three days post op- My Lap Story

I've been waiting until I felt a little better to write this since pain meds make me woozy.  I'm sure it's full of grammatical errors so I will edit it later when I am off meds. I hope we get pregnant and someday our kids will know what I went through to get them here lol.

I was admitted to the hospital August 7, 2013. We had a lot of drama with the insurance company that morning but the hospital helped work it out. My room was very nice and had it's own bathroom. We had a view of a field and saw quite a few deer which was nice. The first big challenge was getting the IV started. I have good veins and usually don't have trouble but it took 2 nurses a collective 3 tries to get one started! Ouch! Other than that I just tried to relax. DH and I watched movies and I sent him home when the Ambien the doc prescribed kicked in.

I didn't sleep well since they woke me up every 2 hours for vitals so I was up when DH got back around 5 am. They drew blood and we waited around awhile before heading down to pre-op.

Things in pre-op were a little crazy. Even though I was the only one there at first, things kept coming up! They couldn't get blood out of my IV and when they did the PTT etc didn't go through the lab b/c the blood had hemoglobized? They had to stick me and draw more blood. Meanwhile, the Anesthesiologist was worried about the blood clotting deficiencies and asking me and the surgeon a bunch of questions while I was getting the blood plasma transfused. I was freezing so they kept bringing me warm blankets.

The labs came back ok but I got bumped for surgery b/c of an emergency c-section! More waiting but the mama and baby were ok!

Finally, it was time to head to surgery- I think I actually asked the anesthesiologist to not let me bleed to death lol. It didn't take long once they gave me the IV meds and I was out!

When the nurses started to wake me up I REALLY wanted to stay asleep. I remember asking Ben by name if the doc had found endo- he said he had and was shocked I remembered his name. They took me back to the pre-op room where a nurse fed me ice chips and I rested. My throat hurt sooo bad. So did my stomach. I had three incisions- one in my belly button and one on each side.

When they took me back upstairs I got to see DH which made me happy and got more IV pain meds which made me REALLY happy. I rested awhile while DH ran home to check on our dog. At some point they brought me chicken and green beans to eat (wtf?) but it just made me gag and I didn't eat it. I got up when they gave me more plasma b/c I wanted to pee first- big mistake!

Peeing ended up being a huge ordeal. Not only did it feel like fire when anything came out but I had no control over my stomach muscles so I couldn't push. It kinda dribbled out slowly over a half hour period of torture. It was also a putrid shade of green from the dye they used to check my tubes. The toilet seat was also covered in blood which was lovely.

I pretty much fell back into bed and slept while the FFP was transfused after my Herculean effort to pee. Eventually, my doc came by to explain what had happened. I was happily eating mashed potatoes, jello, and  ice cream at this point which he found pretty funny. I had been in surgery around 3 hours and he had used the robot to remove endometriosis from under my uterus. He also drained a cyst on my left ovary that ran clear so it might have been an egg. My left tube spilled dye but he thinks my right tube had a spasm b/c it didn't. He said we could ttc as soon as I feel up to it. He also said I could go home that very night which was awesome!

We got home around 8pm and I slept on the couch. I've been in a lot of pain but have been managing it with meds. The shocker came on day 1 home in the evening from the back of my shoulders, neck, and head due to the gas pain. The only thing that helped was a heating pad.

I also couldn't have a bowel movement for days- I even tried laxatives and suppositories. On day 2, I ended up having 3 horrendous boughts of diarrhea.

It is now day three and I am still in a lot of pain but am getting around better and can pee. I have some bad bruising and can't bend over very well. My stomach is really swollen and super gross looking:

Some tips:
  • Bring a soft blanket or stuffed animal to snuggle- I was glad to have mine through the needle sticks
  • Bring a loose fitting dress to wear home from the hospital- your stomach will be sore and swollen
  • Someone suggested I bring cough drops to the hospital which was awesome for my sore throat
  • Stay hydrated!
  • Write down the times you take meds- this was a lifesaver!
  • Start trying to have a bowel movement early and take something if you need help
  • Set up a bed on the couch for the first day or two if you have trouble getting out of bed (I did)
  • Pain meds won't help the gas that gets stuck and makes your shoulder and neck hurt so use a heating pad

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